Monday, May 7, 2012

Pastors of Knowledge and Understanding

Hultner Estrada with Bethany Beachum

“We learned that we shouldn’t talk badly to our children.”
A sister in Christ testified that when she was young, her father told her, “I want you to study and to exceed so you will be prepared when your husband abandons you.”  This is how he raised her – with this mentality that marriages always fall apart.  So what I learned is that I should not set my kids up for a failed future.

With these words pastor Marcos Pérez expressed his satisfaction for having participated in the Mentoring in Biblical Counseling course.

“Some that I can say I have taken from this mentoring is the topic of the Five Love Languages.  Despite having 14 years of experience in ministry, this was something new for me, and I have been able to incorporate it into my life – as much in my own marriage as with other couples I counsel,” adds sister Glenny Peralta.

This course exclusively for pastors lasted one year.  A total of 13 pastoral couples coming from Masaya, Managua and Ocotal graduated from the course.

“We were taught to become better listeners and to take on the problems of others to become more effective counselors.  Through a class on the Principles of Psychology, we learned that we cannot spiritualize everything, rather we need tools to identify the real causes of problems,” summarizes Pastor Modesto Barrera.

The course Mentoring in Biblical Counseling covers such topics as Fundamentals of Biblical Counseling, Financial Advising, Internal Health, and Conflict Resolution.

“I feel better equipped.  Now I have answers to many things which I didn’t before,” says Pastor Jairo Barrios.

“Curiously, every meeting was a message that spoke to our hearts.  Each time we came, the mentoring we received was on a topic that we needed at that moment or about a situation we were in the midst of.  My husband and I would always say: ‘This is no accident, this is the Lord preparing us,’” adds sister Martha Rizo.

Pastor Pedro José Rivas told us, “The topic of Conflict Resolution impacted me greatly.  It has helped me in my ministry, in my own person, and even in my own marriage.  Another new thing I learned was the concept of “quality time,” and now my wife and I are putting it into practice.”

Finally, Pastor Juan Quintana shared some comments with us, “I thank God for this opportunity he has given and because I felt as though I was taken into account.  In five years of being a pastor, this is the first time I have been invited by an organization to be trained in Biblical Counseling and this has encouraged me greatly.”

The Nehemiah Center thanks the participants, the facilitators, and the brothers and sisters that have made the Mentoring in Biblical Counseling possible.  Thank you to those who we are seeing fulfill the promise of Jeremiah 3:15.

Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and        understanding.

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