Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We must do the same

Hultner Estrada

There are times when we have no strength to pray for ourselves. Perhaps for this reason St. Paul advises christians saying, "Carry each other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).

Last week we received a team of missionaries coming exclusively to pray for us and for church leaders connected with different programs of the Nehemiah Center.

This team made a pilgrimage to five cities, traveling near 300 miles, visiting twenty churches and ministries in different communities of the pacific and northern area of Nicaragua. Their tour had a significant impact on many hearts. Here we share some testimonies:

"When they said they came to pray, I felt a little strange, this is the first time we got a group coming especially to pray. Their visit has impacted us greatly." (Porfirio Maldonado, Pastor in Chinandega City).

"All the families at El Manantial community have been through times of great concern because this year the rain was not very good and we lost many crops. These brothers came to give us spiritual strength, they prayed for our plots and our children. We are very grateful”. (Gilberto Lopez, community promoter in Carazo City)

"The visit of these friends was very comforting for us as a 
pastoral family. Their visit taught us that we must do the same for other families." (Obed Anton, Pastor in Leon City)

"They came just when I most needed because lately I have had to deal with the loss of an aunt and a girl who was like a daughter to me. I testified to my congregation how good it feels others to pray for one and how important it is to visit other families to give an encouraging word”. (Agustina Gutierrez, Pastor in Estelí).

"Several fellow ministers know that I and my family have been struggling with health, but they have not had the time to come to our house to pray for us, but these brothers came from afar to intercede for our family. In addition, they have a model prayer that we liked and we want to implement in our congregation”. (Maria Elena Garmendia, Pastor in Estelí)

Nehemiah Center thanks John Algera, Stafford Miller, Henry Swinkels, Henrietta Swinkels and Alma Hernandez. Their time and willingness to help us bear our burdens is a reminder of those words of Jesus Christ: "Go and do likewise." (Luke 10:37)

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