Friday, September 20, 2013

Impact Clubs in Nicaragua... soon!

Usually we think that in the future, when the young had grown, they will be agents of change. But every day, more and more leaders and pastors are finding that in the present, youth have the ability to run a "redemptive role" in the midst of moral, economic and political crisis in which we live, that we do not need to wait for them to grow to give them confidence, tools and resources so that they, from now, and by themselves, begin to care for their community and ensure the development of their families and their nation.

The previous paragraph summarizes some of the main ideas that were "unpacked" during the Regional Assembly of the Christian Reformed Church held in Valle de Angeles, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

"It was an Assembly that helped us see that it is possible to work with youth to achieve not only the improvement of the young as an individual, but helping the youth to see themselves as agents of change for their community”, summarizes Roberto Armas, coordinator of the Urban Transformation Strategy.

Roberto and a delegation of 5 Nicaraguans who are part of the network of Agents of Transformation, participated in this meeting which had an international exchange format. “The model of youth reaching methodology that was studied at the Assembly was the Impact Clubs strategy.  "The team from Nicaragua was formed by leaders who are doing a very effective work with young people, even so, we learned a lot about Impact Clubs as a strategy to mobilize young people", Roberto states.

In words of Roberto, the Nicaraguan team liked the fact that the Impact Clubs are places where young people of a same community interact, learn skills and reflect about spiritual values ​​with the help of anecdotes and stories that generate teachable moments. “It is something similar to what we're already doing through the youth Christian groups, but in the Impact Clubs they use the dialogue with striking stories for boys to facilitate dialogue, instead of just a short sermon from a biblical text," says Roberto.

The Impact Clubs is a methodology originally developed in Romania, but for a few years has been implemented in several highly violent communities of the Honduran capital, achieving great results. Some of the main objectives pursued by the Impact Clubs are: character development, abilities development and social commitment development of the youth. Through the Impact Clubs, youth have the opportunity to develop small projects in benefit of their neighborhoods.

Besides enjoying the companionship on this trip, the best part was that the Nicaraguan leaders, right there in Honduras, designed an action plan that includes conducting an intensive training on this methodology with other community leaders in order to start with the first five Impact Clubs in Nicaragua before the end of this fiscal year. “The goal with these clubs is that young people become active agents of change for their community”, concluded Roberto Armas.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Pastor Involved in Politics

For many people, pastoral ministry and political careers are like two substances that shouldn’t be mixed.  After a long history of polarized political parties characterized by personal interest, corruption, and manipulation of the poor, many Nicaraguans consider the political realm to be “a land where God is not.”

Nevertheless, William Estrada, with 22 years in pastoral work, has challenged this premise by accepting a political seat on the Municipal Council of his city.  During a meeting with the Agents of Transformation network in Chinandega, we took the opportunity to interview Pastor William and learn more about this case of a pastor “involved in politics.” Here the interview.

How is it that as a pastor you became involved in a political position?

William: The party that won the elections in my municipality wanted a pastor among their legislators, so then before the elections, they asked the Council of Pastors to elect someone as representative of the evangelical church within the city hall. The council of pastors nominated me, and the community backed it up.

So, the party searched actively for a way to include me in their legislation, without being a politician.  I then understood that the party was interested because I had a lot of contact with the community, the church, and the pastoral network and they wanted to take advantage of that.

Do you like politics?
William Estrada

William: You know, there are people who can sit for hours and hours and talk about politics, but i really don’t care for that.   Politics were meant to be surrendered to the plan of God.

I don’t consider myself a politician.  I have a political position, but my priority is the people.  I didn’t participate in any of the propaganda or campaigns.  I don’t talk like a politician; I talk like a pastor, like a Christian not dressed in political colors.

So then why did you say “yes” to the invitation?

William: I saw that this was an opportunity that came about not because of my capacity but something that came from God.  I said yes because I was seeing much injustice happening in my community.  I said yes because I knew that there were many needs that could be resolved but were just thrown aside and forgotten.  I said yes because Jesus said, “I was naked and you clothed me,” and I feel a passion for serving the community.  I believe that we were created to serve and not to be served.

Another aspect that motivated me to accept the position was the verse in Proverbs 11:11 that says, “When the righteous govern, the city flourishes.”  I believe that those that should be seated there (governing) are the righteous.  The other pastors encouraged me to take on the position because they told me, “With you there, things are going to be more just.”

Many believe that politics is risky ground for a pastor.  They say that it is an arena where Christian values have to be negotiated at times.  What do you think?

William: Oh sure, you see that happen often.  For example, sometimes proposals are formed and in a very diplomatic way, they tell us when to vote by saying, “At such and such time, raise your hand to give your vote.”  But I haven’t remained silent to question and to make others think about the impact of those decisions I believe that  weren’t made appropriately.

It doesn’t scare you that you might be dismissed?

William: I have said to them, “If I were to abstain from voting and because of that was forced to choose between my political position and my work as a pastor, which do you think I will choose?”  They are clear that if the time came to decide, I would choose to remain a pastor although I had lost my position on the council.

My testimony has cost me too much to just toss it away.  I owe everything to the Lord, my church, and the community that has seen my work, and with that in mind, I prefer to renounce my political position before doing anything that isn’t of benefit to the community.

How have the people flourished with your work at the city hall?

William: My work as a Councilman gives the community the peace that someone with an interest for them is there.  They have the peace that someone is there in the political arena, watching that things are done well.

The mayor and vice-mayor tend to say, “The pastor now knows all of the internal workings of the city hall and the economic issues in all areas, so then, we cannot lie to the people.”
The pastors and people of my community also now go to the city hall when they have needs.  They know that, through me, the answer to their request can arrive more quickly.

God put me there to testify for Jesus Christ as well and to tell my political colleagues, “Your political career is important, but it’s not going to carry you all on its own to where God wants you to be.”  Several of them have begun to walk in the Gospel.

Pastor William Estrada, along with his wife Karla Vanessa and their three children, continue to minister to the Mount of Olives Church in the community “Alemania Federal” in the municipality of El Realejo.

We pray for the Lord’s wisdom and grace so that William may continue in his work as an Agent of Transformation in the department of Chinandega, and that his work serves as an inspiration to others.